Reducing Coherence Overhead in Shared-Bus Multiprocessors

Sangyeun Cho and Gyungho Lee.

Proceedings of Euro-Par, pp. 492~497, Lyon, France, August 1996.


To reduce the overhead of cache coherence enforcement in shared-bus multiprocessors, we propose a self-invalidation technique as an extension to write-invalidate protocols. The technique speculatively identifies cache blocks to be invalidated and dynamically determines when to invalidate them locally. We also consider enhancing our self-invalidation scheme by incorporating read snarfing, to reduce the cache misses due to incorrect prediction. We evaluate our self-invalidation scheme by simulating SPLASH-2 benchmark programs that exhibit various reference patterns, under a realistic shared-bus multiprocessor model. We discuss the ectiveness and hardware complexity of self-invalidation and its enhancement with read snarfing in our extended protocol.